Engage with the World

政治学是研究地方、州、国家和国际层面的政治的学科. 我们努力帮助学生更好地了解他们的社区和他们周围的世界, 同时为他们提供机会和经验,使他们变得更加活跃, informed and engaged citizens. Within our department, we prioritize three key areas: community, experiential learning and scholarship.

社区. We offer an inclusive, 我们鼓励学生在温馨的环境中相互交往, learn together and support one another, 无论是在我们系内还是系外,因为我们知道这可能会引导学生在他们的社区中成为更好的公民.

Experiential Learning. 我们认识到课堂外学习的重要性和价值. 这些机会不仅增强和巩固了学生在课堂上学到的知识, but they also provide students with practical experience, 社交机会,更清楚自己毕业后想做什么.

奖学金. 我们提供研讨会式课程(每班15-20名学生),允许以讨论为基础的学习以及学生和教师之间广泛的一对一互动. Our focus is on helping our students better develop their reading, 写作 and critical thinking skills, 哪一种会在毕业后带来更多的就业机会和更大的成功机会.

Beyond the Classroom

students in front of political art

The Global Peace and Reconciliation Initiative


Model United Nations

students in havana cuba

Field Study Courses

image of undergraduate student presenting research

Undergraduate Research


Student 组织


Brooke Thoendel

"bet36365体育 has provided me OPPORTUNITIES I never imagined. 从在会议上展示我的研究到在地方法院实习, I’ve had real-life experiences. KLOP向我展示了我可以在农村社区完成的各种法律职业. LSAT prep panels, 说话 with current law students, 去UNL法学院的旅行给了我连接,为我在学校的下一个篇章做准备."

Brooke Thoendel

Political Science, 业务 Administration, 法律系的